What type of animal does Milk It! work well on?
Milk It! is a great option whenever extra calories are needed for either market hogs or breeding gilts. If your animal needs a nutritional boost with easy to digest milk fats and proteins, Milk It! is the right option. Harder or tighter made breeding gilts and market hogs often need more fat cover to make them look more compositional correct, and Milk It! is one way to achieve that goal.
How does Milk It! differ from traditional milk replacers?
Traditionally, milk replacers are costly due to their added inclusion of medication. Milk It! is NON-MEDICATED, therefore less costly than other milk replacers on the market. However, this also means that you DO NOT want to feed Milk It! to baby pigs that need to be on a medicated milk replacer.
How much Milk It! do I feed or have them drink and when do I feed it?
When feeding Milk It! dry, feed up to 1/2 lb. per head per day. When feeding as a liquid, mix at the rate of up to 1/2 lb. of dry Milk It! into whatever desired amount of liquid you deem necessary for that animal, up to as much as 2 quarts. Milk It! can be fed at any time in the feeding phase.
Important Management Tips
- Always provide access to fresh, clean water.
- Check weight gains at set time intervals and adjust daily feeding rate as needed until target weight is reached.
- Always transition slowly from one ration to another to help avoid digestive upset.